✨ introducing The Speak to Scale Agency ✨

Speaker Brand Management

the perfect blend of coaching, Publicity, and Speaker Management in one place.

Why Speaker Brand Management?

You’ve worked hard to build a brand that you’re proud of. Now that you’re ready to start speaking on stages you’re creating a branded experience across all touch points. It sets you apart from the competition, builds credibility, and attracts the right opportunities. The problem? You’re busy running that business you’ve worked so hard to build. We aim to empower speakers like you to effortlessly create and manage a powerful speaker brand that will help you elevate your presence, enhance your storytelling, and amplify your message.

It starts with a signature speaker Brand strategy

We’ll kick things off with our Speak to Scale Blueprint Intensive where we’ll design a customized plan to scale your impact with speaking.

From there, our PR team will take over to help you implement your custom speaking strategy.

✨ Management services are available for current and past clients

Want early access?

We’re currently accepting applications for new Speak to Scale Blueprint Intensives clients.

Intensive clients get first access to brand management services.

 Questions? We’re just an email away at hello@jessicarasdall.com