Cassandra Thompson


From casting contestants for Wheel of Fortune, strategizing on the recruitment team at Riot Games, or her work as a Career Counselor at Cal State Fullerton - Cassandra’s unique work experience has shaped her into a networking paragon.

By leveraging the power of LinkedIn, Cassandra helps small businesses extend their networking reach far beyond any single event. Backed with the skillset of industry experience and practical application, Cassandra helps her clients establish powerful connections while simultaneously increasing their professional credibility.

Cassandra has a way of relating to her audience while providing powerful content and fun stories that enhance professional development without putting her audience to sleep. Delivering practical information with eloquent confidence, wit, and charm, Cassandra has been featured on The Baily Hancock Show, and written for Ellevate, HuffPo, Career Queen, and is a frequent contributor to Levo.

Never settling for “good enough,” Cassandra continues to grow her knowledge base through conferences, summits, classes, reading and other personal development that keeps her on the breaking edge of networking expertise both in person and online.

Speaking Topics:

LinkedIn, Networking, Career, Job Search Tools

Ideal Audiences:

College students and recent grads, those looking for their next job, creative business owners

Presentation Format:

Keynote Presentations, Hands-on Workshops, Breakout Sessions

Signature Talks:

Maximize Your Internship Experience

Everyone hopes that their internship will land them a full time offer, but how do you make that happen in an industry where offers aren’t guaranteed? Learn how to make the most out of your internship and get that full time job by using the same techniques Cassandra used to leverage her internship at On Air with Ryan Seacrest into 5 interviews for full time jobs and landed her first job after college at Sony Pictures, working for Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy!

Key Takeaways:

  1. How to stand out above and beyond the other interns

  2. What professional soft skills to master to be ahead of the crowd

  3. How to strategically get others to start finding jobs for you!

Ideal Audience:

College students, most likely juniors and seniors It could be a workshop or keynote, depending on the type of conference.

How to Use LinkedIn to Fast Track your Credibility

You want to be seen by big companies for brand deals and sponsorships. You are working your butt off creating content for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and maybe YouTube and Snapchat, but are you on LinkedIn? Learn why LinkedIn is the best social media platform for (creative) entrepreneurs and why it can build an audience and get you a brand deal faster than on any other platform.

Key Takeaways:

  1. What LinkedIn is and why it is needed to grow your business

  2. How to easily add LinkedIn to your already bursting at the seams content calendar without taking tons of extra time

  3. How to grow on LinkedIn in 10 minutes a day

Ideal Audience:

Small business owners, mainly in the creative entrepreneur sectors. It could be a workshop or keynote, depending on the type of conference.

Building the Connection: Motivating students on how to use your alumni platform

You have an awesome platform with alumni who are voluntarily signing up and saying “Yes, I’d love to help students!” but are the students making the most of that amazing opportunity? Most students don’t completely understand the value of alumni while just trying to pass classes. This talk will uncover for students why connecting with alumni is vital for their future success and break down the walls of intimidation to give students easy, practical steps on how to reach out and use your alumni platform.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Why alumni matter, easy steps on how to reach out and connect, ideas on what to ask alumni once connected

  2. Students will leave motivated to reach out and connect with college/university alumni and feel confident to make the first move

  3. (Depending on the type of event) Students will set up their profile during the session to prepare to engage with alumni

Ideal Audience:

Hands on workshop for college students. This could be a great orientation presentation for orientation leaders, or seniors presentation for those about to graduate ( senior programming is gaining in popularity).

Don’t Waste This Opportunity! Leveraging your leadership experience in your job search

Student leaders do amazing things - they decide on budgets of $50,000+ dollars, run meetings, create HUGE events, and lead groups of students all over campus; yet during their job search they tend to bury all that amazing experience. In this workshop, students will learn how to use their on-campus leadership experiences to catapult them into their first full-time job. They will walk away with practical tips to implement immediately into their job search.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Where and how to put leadership experiences on a resume

  2. How to use your leadership experience in answering interview questions

  3. How to leverage your leadership experience on LinkedIn- where to put it on the platform and how to use it to meet other people.

Ideal Audience:

Hands on workshop for college students. This could be a great orientation presentation for orientation leaders, or seniors presentation for those about to graduate ( senior programming is gaining in popularity).

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