Ep 106: Growing vs Scaling: What's the difference?

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Many businesses operate under the impression that bigger is better with the thought that the larger you get, the more likely you are to be a subject matter expert in your industry. I’m here to tell you that this logic doesn’t always hold true. I’m recording this episode in the middle of a pandemic - a lot of small businesses have been hit really hard. Many of us are evaluating what’s working, what isn’t, and considering changes and shifts in their businesses. The words growing and scaling are likely flying around your zoom calls or slack channels with no discernment between the two. During this tough time where the majority of us are pinching pennies and focusing on efficiency, we’re going to have an honest and uncomfortable conversation about the difference between growing and scaling your business with public speaking and how this impacts your overall strategy.

If you loved this episode and it motivated you to add speaking to your business, I’d love for you to leave me some positive feedback on iTunes and tell me about your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us @thecreativespeakerpodcast.

Episode takeaways you don’t want to miss:

  • The difference between growing and scaling a business

  • How to know if you should be growing or scaling your business

  • The 3 essential elements you need in order to scale your business effectively

  • How you can use PUBLIC SPEAKING to focus on a growth or scaling strategy

  • How not to get stuck in the business growth trap

  • Why finding the right speaking engagements vs a large volume of speaking engagements is important to effectively scale your business

Reminder: Take a screenshot of your itunes review and email it to hello@jessicarasdall.com to be entered to win a free speaker strategy session

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