159: Creating Raving Fans from The Stage (ft. Desola Davis)

Wouldn't it be great if every time you stepped on a stage, a podcast or a summit, that you could create a new stream of leads, and not just cold air lukewarm leads, but raving fans? Desola Davis joins us for this important conversation on how to guide people through a customer journey that leads them to becoming a raving fan.

Listen in as we highlight how you can start this journey from the stage, while taking advantage of other opportunities at speaking events. Head into your next speaking gig with a strategic customer journey and gain some raving fans today.

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Meet Desola Davis

Desola is a Customer Journey Designer who helps online business owners nail their product message, convert qualified leads, and grow a loyal raving fan base that is primed to repeatedly invest in working with them.

With over 10 years of corporate experience running million dollar projects, and 5 years of experience as a sales and business development coach, she has a knack for bringing clarity and confidence to the sales process--a superpower that has helped her clients consistently 3x their sales conversion rates for their signature offers.

Her joy is to help anonymous geniuses become recognized industry leaders who spend more time working with their dream clients and leverage their positioning advantage to grow their business.

If you're not already a member of the academy, we'd love to invite you to apply to join The Speaking Strategy Academy. You'll get instant access to our A-Z speaking training system with video lessons, transcripts, scripts, templates, and more.... access to our live group coaching calls, personalized 1:1 feedback on your work from me, and an opportunity to present your work live in front of our community for hot seat coaching and feedback. What are you waiting for, friend? Apply today!

What is a Customer Journey?

When your customer identifies that they have a problem and go looking, that's the start of their journey with you. It ends when they've solved their problem with you. A sales funnel is planted in the middle of the customer journey.

Where Desola believes entrepreneurs miss the mark with their customer journey is in helping guide the customers from the problem to the solution. Oftentimes, as experts, we’re focused on just simply presenting the solution versus explaining the why and how of the solution.

Sales Funnels in the Customer Journey

A lot of times when people are building sales funnels, they're building something that ends with the sale. Typically, that's what success looks like. If you get a sale, that means your sales funnel is working, but that's where customer journey is different. Because the customer journey moves beyond the sale to make sure that the problem is actually solved. Sales funnels are actually planted right in the middle of the customer journey. Therefore, if you're chasing a sales funnel, you're missing out on so many other opportunities to build longer lasting relationships with people that actually end up being more profitable for you in the future.

Stranger vs Audience in a Customer Journey

Your client journey has too start somewhere and that’s typically with the clientele you’re attracting, but more often than not, that clientele is considered a stranger. They can then move into the audience phase. What’s the difference?

  • Stranger - Wants to know if they like you.

  • Audience - Wants to know if you understand their problem.

Five Phases of a Customer Journey

Within the customer journey, there are five stages that a person should go through. These stages include:

  1. Stranger

  2. Audience

  3. Prospect

  4. Customer

  5. Ambassador

Now, it’s important that you don’t stop when they become a customer. It’s your job to convert them from customer to ambassador! An ambassador is someone who will continue to support and promote your brand as a living testimonial.

Converting a Stranger into an Audience Member from the Stage

To begin, your plans will be entirely based on what you have access to at the event. If there are community forums, Facebook groups, networking events, etc—that’s where you can start converting strangers into audiences. Your role as a speaker doesn’t solely have to live on the stage.

The next step is to know who you're talking to before you start talking. If you have a transformation in your talk, you don’t have to focus so much on the presentation. Focus on and know who you’re talking to in order to make the biggest impact for conversion.

Once you’ve connected with them, it’s easier to guide them to the next step of your customer journey, whether that’s a free webinar, a follow on instagram, etc. The second that you stand on stage in front of the audience, they see you as a valuable educator to them, but they’re striving for a connection with you.

The Power of Connection

There will be times in the customer journey where phases can be skipped. This often comes with connection or recommendations—fans of Jessica Rasdall may now more easily skip over to become customers of Desola Davis from simply listening to this podcast episode.

It’s all in the power of connection and if the value of your solution is important to them.

Catch the Show Notes

Get to Know Desola (4:03)

What is a Customer Journey? (9:59)

Five Stages of the Customer Journey (12:53)

Stranger vs Audience in a Customer Journey (12:15)

Converting a Stranger into an Audience Member (23:20)

Thanks so much for joining us for today's episode, if you enjoyed it - please take a moment to share about it on social or leave us a review in your favorite podcast app. It means the world to me and helps us keep this show going for you!

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Transcript for Episode 159:

Jessica Rasdall 0:00

Wouldn't it be great if every time you stepped on a stage, a podcast or a summit, that you could create a new stream of leads, and not just cold air lukewarm leads, but raving fans? Well, in today's episode, we are going to show you how to create raving fans from the stage.

Jessica Rasdall 0:34

Welcome back to another episode of The speak to scale Podcast, where we're helping small business owners just like you grow and scale their companies by speaking on podcast stages, webinars and more. I'm your host, Jessica Rasdall. And I am so grateful that you are here today because I know there are so many other podcasts you could be listening to. And I appreciate you coming back week after week. Now, y'all know I'm obsessed with helping you increase your conversion rates, right? I want you to do less speaking, but make a bigger impact. I want you to speak at the right places for the right people and pull in the right clients. But sometimes, when it comes to us, you know, increasing those conversions. It's not because your talk isn't great, your content isn't good. But sometimes, we don't fully understand what that experience is like for our audience, for the people who are watching, for the ones who don't know us yet. So I've brought in my friend Desola Davis, to break down for us what this customer journey looks like, and how we can be more intentional from the stage of meeting our people where they are in bringing them back into our business. She is a customer journey designer who helps online business owners nail their message convert qualified leads, and grow a loyal raving fan base that is primed to repeatedly invest in working with you. And if you have never met a soloist, she is a dream. She lights up any room and is the biggest cheerleader. For others. I have had the honor of speaking on summits and panels alongside of her. And she's the real deal. She's that's why I invited her on the show. So today, I want you to grab a pen and a paper and get ready to take some notes. Because Desola doesn't just you know, give us some theory here she is breaking down this customer journey in a way that is going to change the game for how you show up in your business, how you sell from the stage, and how you connect with the people you've been called to serve.

Jessica Rasdall 3:00

Listening to the podcast is a great first step. But I want you to go take action. So if you are ready to apply everything you've learned here on the show, listen up, we took all of our best resources, like our plug and play crafting your story workbook, or how to select your speaking topics, workbook resources on crafting your talk finding and pitching events. We put them all together inside of the speak to scale vault, and we put them in order, so you know exactly what to do and when to do it. to scale your business with speaking, ready to unlock the entire vault, head on over to speak to scale vault comm or click the link in our show notes. But be sure to use the code PODCAST for a special discount for me.

Jessica Rasdall 3:51

Before we start nerding out about all things, making raving fans and customer journeys. And all of this give us a little bit of background about how you got into this work.

Desola Davis 4:03

Oh gosh. I always tell people I was the customer without a journey. So it really came out of frustration. Because when I first came into, I want to be an entrepreneur. It took me a while to even get there. It took me a while because I'm really good at my job. I tell people this all the time. I'm not the entrepreneur that's running away from corporate per se. I'm the entrepreneur that decided Oh, build a business also kind of thing. And when I got into entrepreneurship, somehow I fell into the online business space. You know, you sign up for somebody's freebie, you end up in their sales webinar. Somehow you whip your card out to purchase a course that's supposed to solve a problem. And they swear that they're going to hold your hand through the process, make sure that you have a solution and like all these other things, and what I was finding was as soon as my card went through, and the money got to And out, all I got was a, you know, login and a password and best wishes from these creators thinking that I was going to put things together on my own. But the thing about it is, and you know this just like, if I knew how to solve the problem, I would just do it on my own. If Google was sufficient, that I wouldn't need to spend $497 $997 1997 to solve the problem. And especially when your sales page is telling me that you're going to give me the step by step guide to fixing whatever problem it is that I've paid you to fix. And I can't reach that step by step guide on my own, and there's no support to help me find the answer. I just felt like the biggest loser, right? I'm giving people all this money going hopping from creator to creator hoping that somebody will finally solve my problem. And I realized that this was just something that everybody thought was normal. I talked to a lot of my friends and lots of head nods. That's kind of the one of the business you know, it's a digital product industry. You never get refunds for anything, once you pay for it all sales are final yet and still these creators that I was supposed to be looking up to, are living this laptop lifestyle and squaring up and down that their strategies work. So obviously, they have all of these testimonials and all of these things. That means there's something wrong with me, because the strategy isn't working for me.

Jessica Rasdall 6:24

I think we can all say we've, we've felt like that at some point. Yeah, like, it's just we've handed over the money. And we're like, why do I not have that thing? Why do I not have that result? Why am I still still staring at this computer trying to figure the thing out, so like, you're not alone back

Unknown Speaker 6:42

at square back at square one, sometimes worse off than I was when I started, you know what I mean? And so, after having enough conversations, I actually just went and learned that thing for myself. And I did my own, you know, studies I got certified, I learned and you to know me is to love me friend. Because I am the biggest learner there. There is like, if there's a book on it, I'm reading it, if there was a course on it, like I was a professional test taker back in, you know, grade school days, I'm good at those things. So I learned a lot about it. And so my mission now is to first of all show people that this is not supposed to be normal. Second of all, teach them not to do that with their community, because I truly believe that anyone who sets out to become an entrepreneur is going to solve a problem with the person on the other side of it. Right. And so if you're committed to solving that problem, I want to show you how to do that, and how to come alongside someone. And and and have them enter their journey to transformation. Because as the expert, you know what the solution looks like, right? You know what the other side of the problem looks like, as the person with the problem, they've never seen it. And so it's your job as the guide to pull them in, to show them what transformation looks like. And then to support them in whatever way that looks like, from having the problem to the other side where the problem is already solved. And the more conversations I had with people, the more I realized, this isn't something that everybody's talking about. And so I'm happy to be that loud, friendly, Sunny person who talks about it, you know, what I mean? And the more people I talk, talk to the more people I'm able to help build a business that they actually love serving people that they actually love. And that's why I love doing what I do.

Jessica Rasdall 8:27

I love that so much. I think so many people who move into that education space, the course creator space, the thought leadership, you know, a lot of times when they get to the point that they are teaching other people to do things. It's been a while since they've been at that square one, you know, it's been a while, since they were looking for those answers. And we forget that what comes easy to us right now didn't always come easy to us, and our our clients who are using our programs, it's not easy for them, for sure.

Desola Davis 9:05

You have to kind of know, you have to still be in tune with that emotion. And I think sometimes people are so they're so excited that they have the answer. All they want to do is push the answer in front of your face. But if you're not in tune with the emotion that comes with having the problem where they weren't, like you said, knowing what it's like to be in step one, and all of the things that come with that, then you're going to be missing out on creating the relationships that you need to create to be that thought leader to them.

Jessica Rasdall 9:33

So let's talk about that for a minute. Let's talk about this journey in this relationship that we want to be building with people to meet them with the emotion because I think so often we again, we're trying, like you said, trying to give them the solution. We want to shove this answer out to them. And we're so fixated on sales funnels and automation and making it passive and getting away from our people rather than getting closer to them. Yeah, is a customer journey.

Desola Davis 10:00

Like to define it as when your customer, your dream client identifies that they have a problem and goes looking and they stumble upon you, that's the beginning of their journey with you. And it doesn't end until after that problem is solved. A lot of times when people are building sales funnels, they're building something that ends with the sale, right? That's what success looks like. If you get a sale, that means your sales funnel is working. And that's where customer journey is different. Because the customer journey moves beyond the sale to make sure that the problem is actually solved. And as we talk today, for my friends that are listening, if you've never heard of a customer journey, you'll find that the sales funnel is planted in the middle of the customer journey. But if you're chasing a sales funnel, you're going to be missing out on so many other opportunities to build longer lasting relationships with people that actually end up being more profitable for you in the future. Mm hmm.

Jessica Rasdall 10:59

So, when we're looking, I mean, I just love all that so much, because I harp on this all the time on the show, and with our clients and in the academy that, you know, when it comes to speaking, we're not in the business of talking about people, we're in the business of delivering transformations. And that transformation happens, yes, in the room, but it happens long after and like what are we doing from the stage to help them have that transformation later. So what I really want to talk about with you today, what I would love some insight on some, like, secret knowledge. When it comes to us showing up as speakers on stages on podcasts on webinars or retreats anywhere? How can we, you know, really create these raving fans, these people who are going from they've never met us to they're diving into our customer, the customer journey with us that they're going to be with us for the long haul? How can we set that relationship up from the start from stage?

Desola Davis 12:05

I love that. And so before, I'm going to answer the question, but I'm going to talk a little bit about customer journey really quick. So everybody's on the same page. So when I talk about customer journey, there are five stages that a customer can be on on their journey with you. First stage is what I call the stranger. So anyone who's never heard my voice doesn't know who I am. just met me on this podcast. Hi, it's nice to meet you. I am a stranger to you. Right? You're a stranger.

Jessica Rasdall 12:34

And when you're speaking most of your audience is going to be a stranger

Desola Davis 12:37

stranger. Exactly. Because your audience didn't invite you to the talk right? Your audience, my audience and invite me or Yeah, my audience and invite me to this podcast, you know, someone else did, right. And speaking of the next stage is the audience. And what the audience wants to know, is whether or not you understand their problem. I didn't say what the stranger wants to know, stranger wants to know, if they like you? Do they want to spend any more time listening to your voice? Do they want to spend any more of their air with you? Do we do we even need to like, you know, cohabitate in the same space. So strangers, just like, do I like your knife? I don't like you. It's a wrap goodbye. You know, whatever. So and then the audience's just wanting to know if you understand their problem. And remember, we were talking about how sometimes when you're so far along in the solution, you forget what it's like to have the problem, right? You forget how it feels to have the problem. So it's not just Hey, I understand your problem. But it's all of the other nuances of understanding that problem. What are the feelings that are associated with that problem? What are the environmental factors that the audience member is dealing with? While they have that problem? What are the places where you can connect with them before you shop shove a solution in their face, so that's the audience part, then they're going to move into what's called the prospect phase. And then the prospect phase where the audience is more like, I'll double tap your Instagram posts. Oh, like your podcast, maybe I'll join your email list. Now, a prospect is literally reading every word that you write. They're listening to every podcast that they can get any piece of content, where you're related or attached to it. They're following it because now they're trying to make a decision as to whether or not they want to work with you and any former fashion, some kind of capacity. And so as a prospect, their question is, can you solve my problem? Can you really help me with my speaking? Can you really help me get more sales? Can you really do this? They're looking for testimonials. They're looking for other people too, who support your message who have seen transformation and things like that. And once they decided you know what you're it, you get the rose, you're the one with the golden ticket, I want to work with you, they become your customer. This is when you make the sale and this is where A lot of people stop. This is where people are like, Oh, my sales funnel works, that means let's just do this again. And at the customer level, here, you have to show them that I'm not the one that that's going to solve your problem, we're going to partner together to make sure that that problem is solved. And so your goal, as at that level, I call the solution, your goal as a solution is to give them their power back, there's something about a problem that takes away the power of the person who has it, they feel inadequate, right? If you think about somebody who can play an instrument, if you can't play the instrument, you don't want somebody to call you on stage and say, hey, I want to play this guitar, let's shred together. No, your girl doesn't know how to do that. Right? But I feel less powerful, less in my power, right? Less adequate than someone who's like a rock star guy who's been playing the guitar forever, right? So when they're your customer, that's you giving them their power back saying, hey, you can do this, you're the one who's gonna do this, you're the one who's gonna get that transformation. And once that transformation is achieved, you have to come back around and affirm that they've done it, someone has to come back and tell them that they have succeeded, because otherwise they will miss it. And so your job does not end with just the customer. Yeah, your job doesn't end with the customer, you want to convert them into an ambassador. And so at the point where you identify and affirm the fact that they have achieved success, they've achieved transformation. What are they going to do? They're going to look at you and they're gonna say, Well, what else can we do together? Because this feels really good to have had a problem before. And now this problem is solved. I don't want this feeling to go away. What else can we do together? And this is where the customer journey is different from a sales funnel. Because at the point of sale, you then say, Okay, well, I'm done. Let me go find other people to bring in with a customer journey, you are nurturing a deep relationship where people are, are primed always to invest, whether it's time or more money, or bring friends, whatever that looks like more relationships, and working with you. Because now it goes from something that they have to do to something that's a necessity, it's just the right thing to do. Working with just is just the right thing to do if you have if your goal is to speak, I mean, it is though, right? Isn't it? If your goal is to speak on stage, in any form of fashion, if your goal is to deliver transformation, and not just go to a whole bunch of audiences and entertain them, if you want to make a lasting impact on your audience, Jess is just the right thing to do. So I'm not gonna wait for affiliate commission. If someone says they have a problem, or they're looking to move into speaking, her name is just going to come up in my brain because my brain has now told me that this is somebody who solves problems, and how else can I continue to make sure that she's solving problems for me or other people is to share her message far and wide. And that's how you develop raving fans is making sure you're there at the point of transformation to say, hey, you did it, you did such a great job. This is what you were able to achieve. Think about where you were as a prospect and how you are so scared to take this leap or to do this and look at where you are. Now, on the other side of transformation. They need that affirmation from you as the expert because again, you've seen solution, they've never seen it. So when they get there, they don't even know what to do with it. So all that to say, that's the journey. That's the journey to from stranger to fan or ambassador. Thanks. So,

Jessica Rasdall 18:45

though, and I know we're supposed to be talking about moving from the stage. So we have I love it. Because I know I think so much. So we're definitely going to talk a lot about you know, the beginning side of that. But I don't think many people talk about after the sale and I know like for us in behind the scenes here at the public speaking strategist for the last like two years, our biggest focus has been post sale. And I love like really refining that part. And constantly asking how we can make that part better. But when you talked about the fact of of like, they don't know they've achieved the thing until you tell them like that if you haven't created a course if you don't have any kind of offers like that yet, and you're thinking that and of course they know they achieved it. That is the most truthful statement I've ever heard about. They don't know, an online they truly do not am in me thinking back through like except for with speaking for example, you know, our goals were just so hard on ourselves as humans as business owners, and we don't take the time to look back and see All that we achieved and all that we've done and all of this work and being able to come alongside your clients and your customers and your students and show them, hey, you remember, remember six months ago, right? When you were here, like, That part is something that we are I did not in the beginning thing was something I would ever have to do. So yeah, yes. I mean, no one cares about that. If you brushed over that one, like, listen to that.

Desola Davis 20:27

No, I mean, because when you think about, remember, six months ago, when you didn't even think you had a story, now you have a keynote and a workshop to deliver. And you're just going from one thing to the next thing to the next thing, still feeling like a failure. It's like, no, you're a speaker, you're a professional speaker. And sometimes you as the expert have to be the first person to call them that. Like for me with my clients, a lot of times, I'm the first person to call them thought leaders, because they are, right, you have a perspective, there's a community of people that will only listen to you, we just have to find them, because they're looking for you. And so, for me, on the other side of the sale looks like me, calling them a thought leader. And then being comfortable. being called a thought leader, whether you have 99 followers or 999 followers or 99,000 followers, somebody is waiting on your email, somebody is waiting on your product, somebody is waiting on your next launch. You're a thought leader, you're a professional speaker, whether you've booked your first gig or not, you now have a story, you now have a package talk, you now know how to deliver in different audiences, you did not know any of these things. When we first got on our first call, you knew none of these things. When you join that webinar, look at how much you you've progressed, look at where you are now. And pat yourself on the back. You know,

Jessica Rasdall 21:50

that's so powerful. It's so powerful. But like you said, at the very beginning, we're so fixated on giving the answer giving the solution and only forget about the emotions along the way. Even if we're we're putting ourselves in their shoes, the very beginning of like, this is where I was when I wanted to invest in solving the problem. But even once they've said yes, like putting ourselves in their shoes to say there's so much doubt. There's so much doubt on that journey. And I just love all that. Okay, yeah, I'm gonna stop. Like, no, you're good. You're You're okay, so it's true. It's so good. It's so good. But nobody talks about it. So I'm just soaking it all up. I will though. Okay. I know you I can just call you anytime we could just nerd about this all day. So with let's say we are we know we're going to go speak at an event. And we're very nervous because feelings, and that these people are likely strangers right now. They're about to be audience members, but they're strange. Um, but these people, we we've never met them before. We're making a first impression, and we really want to move them back into our business. We'd like to, you know, have these burning hot leads, who are going to be great fits for our program. What do we do? How can we show up? And and start that relationship from the stage?

Desola Davis 23:19

Such great question. So at this point, you're trying to convert your stranger into an audience member. So it depends on what you have access to. But I know for me, I like to know who I'm talking to, before I start talking. It's more important to me, because I'll come in with my like, I know my talk. I know what I want to say. But how I say it depends on who I'm talking to. Right. And so if if there's a way to have some level of backstage interaction with the audience members, a way to ask them questions or anything like that, you know, now with the pandemic, even though things are opening up, some things are still relatively virtual. But if they're, you know, if you're in a summit, for example, and they're saying, hey, join the audience, Facebook group, do that, join the Facebook group, interact with the audience, or just watch them talk to each other. Because you'll start to see things come up, you'll see them describe their their pain points, in their own words, you'll see them talk about what they want to gain from the event, because at the end of the day, yes, people are coming to see you talk. The most important thing is that they walk away with transformation, which is why I love Jess and like your process. And all of that is it's not about how can I get my talk to be so good. If you have the transformation at the center. It's going to be phenomenal, right? So if you're able to get information about your audience directly from your audience, that's what I like the best. If you're not, whoever hired you for that gig. Talk to them. Interview Do them. Ask about you know, your audience where they're coming from, what their pain points are, and stuff like that, if you have access to ask them, you know, to put you in contact with some of the people that are coming, that are, you know, fan people or volunteering in some way, talk to them, because that's going to give you the information that you need to connect with your audience immediately. And that's what you're looking for once you get to stage is connection, because a connected audience will forgive more so than an audience that feels that you're talking at them. They'll also be receptive when you're delivering the transformation. And when you're sharing with them once you're connected. And that's one of the first things you have to do once you get to stage is connect. So again, for me, I can talk to them directly before, maybe I'll talk to the event host and see if I get some information. Or if we have to do it from stage. That's the first thing I say, Who am I talking to? If I guessed, quote, unquote, I'll come with like three, three avatars and say, I'll say, hey, let me know if this is you. You are this, this, this and this, you're this type of person, put a one in the chat or you know, raise your hand or whatever. Or you could be here because this this isn't this but a two in the chat or raise your hand. And then that gives me an idea of where my audience members are. And because I'm a professional, I already have examples and stories that connect with those people. Because your goal again, to turn a stranger to an audience what I say, Do I want to sit here with you? Do I like you? How do you get how do you get them to like you, you connect with them. You don't show up? Like I have all the answers. Just listen to me and do these three things that I came to say, you're here, you're there for connection, you just want what when they're all strangers, you're just trying to get them into your audience. And once you're connected with them, if you ask them to do another thing, after your talk, if you ask them to join your webinar, if you sell them into a you know, whatever ticket item, whatever that looks like, the barrier to resistance is lowered, because you took the time to connect. Now they just feel like they're talking to a friend. Now they just feel like they're talking to someone that they've always known. And they're more likely to stay in your customer journey, because you took the time to get to know them first.

Jessica Rasdall 27:13

All of that, I know that, you know, there's so much ego involved when it comes to speak. And it's easy to forget, like even if we are incredibly humble, and we're still questioning if we should be on the stage, it's easy to forget that your audience, the second you grab that microphone, they see you as successful, they see 10 steps ahead of them, they see you up on a pedestal. And we're not willing to kick that pedestal over and get on a level playing field with your audience from the stage like you're just gonna miss out on so much.

Desola Davis 27:48

Yeah, if you can, if you can connect, even if you're on stage, if you if you're able to go in and just see them eye to eye, and let them know like I'm here to serve you. I'm here to help you. It makes no difference. For me to walk off the stage, if you don't feel if you're not changed, then why am I here? Like I just we just wasted up to 6090 minutes of everyone, everyone's time. If you don't walk away from this talk with a plan, or at least with a mindset unlock to know that you can do the thing that you came to this conference to do, then I haven't done my job. And that's why as a speaker, I mean such a huge responsibility. And I think a lot of people, they see these great speakers, and their huge audiences, their podcasts and all of the things that just quote seem so easy. But the truth is you have it. It's almost I almost without being, you know, over overreaching. You have to understand the power and the responsibility that you have when you can transform someone's life with your voice and with your words. And that can't be overstated. I think when you say you want to be a speaker, it's one of the most important jobs, because yeah, you may not create a course Yeah, you may not have a coaching program. Yeah, you may not have all these things. But someone's going to sit in the audience and something you say it's going to unlock something for them. It's going to unlock a dream, they're going to because of you struck that business there because of you, they're going to go back to school, because of you, they're going to get out of debt. Because of you, they're going to reconcile with their family member. There's such power in that. And if you're not able to take your ego out of the way to make sure that everybody is served, then you're not going to see the success that you're looking for

Jessica Rasdall 29:43

all of that, all of that like all of it. So often. We're just trying so hard to figure out like how can I get my audience to understand me and that's not the point. It's like, how can we seek to understand them and we're They are and what they need from us. And we can just shift that lens a little bit, it all becomes so much easier.

Desola Davis 30:07

ephra does because they Yes. And because they feel like you are talking to them, you can be talking to a room of 50 people, 100 people, 500 people, but you're talking to them, you know, I've been to, I'm sure you have as well I, you know, you go to a conference and someone says something, and you write it down, and you never forget it. And it's one of those things that pops up every once in a while. that pushes you out of that rut pushes you out of that mindset thing, or reminds you who you are and what you want to do. And, you know, for me walking away from those types of talks and conferences. I know that somebody that I want to be, I want to be close to. And that's what you want. That's how you develop those raving fans. You could and I can I argue at this point, that you can even have them skip stages, right? They could be strangers, and that's what I hope now is if you're listening to my podcast, if you're going to be a raised raving fan of Desola Davis, we don't have to pass the audience prospect customer phase, you're just gonna point everybody that you know, to me, my Instagram, you know, handle my, my own podcast and all those other things. You don't have to sit there and ask all these questions because of the power of the connection that we now have. Anything that I ask, I invite you to any workshop that I want to do any coaching program that I want to do, if I invite you to it, you're ready to go. You don't have questions. You don't want to see all these testimonials, because you felt the transformation on for yourself, just on account of this conversation that I'm having with you.

Jessica Rasdall 31:46

And that a power of speaking right like this. Yeah, we're so fixated on not not you and I, maybe some of us that we get, you know, our industry pushes, pushes, pushes, you know, getting away from people, removing yourself from your business, making it all pass automating everything, you know, all of that. And it the power of like, yeah, sales funnel, sales, funnel, sales, funnel, evergreen webinar, you know, all this stuff. But the end of the day speaking has been around longer than any of that junk, and yet allows you to skip those steps and allows you to fast track that customer journey. Yes, sleep on Absolutely.

Desola Davis 32:27

Don't sleep on speaking. and dare I say, even if you want everything to be passive, if you do it the right way, I can still form a connection with you off of an evergreen webinar if I tried. The problem is a lot of people don't absolutely right. And a lot of people don't want to redo an evergreen webinar every so often to add that additional connection piece. Because it's too much work. Well, I already did all this work upfront, so I don't have to do it again. What if you think about your business that way, again, we forget that the whole reason you're in business, because people keep paying you because they think you have a solution to their problem. That's why you're a business. That's why this isn't a hobby is because people genuinely think that you can solve their problem. And they're willing to part with money, which is really important for things like food, shelter, utilities, you know, all of those things, you're willing to part with that, because they believe the value of your solution is more important than that. And you're going to reduce it to Well, I don't want to do this because it's too much work. I don't want to do this because I don't feel like it. I don't want to do this because I don't want to connect with my people. So always I Well, you can't exist without these people that you keep neglecting. And you're not going to achieve the level of success that you want. Without otherwise investing money on your own to hyperspeed a business that's not connected to anybody. If your business were to shut down. Would anybody miss you? Would anybody miss seeing you? If you were to go bankrupt? Would anybody come to your defense? If they saw you? If they saw your business in the news? Would anybody come to your defense? They said, No, that's not what happened. That's not the type of person this person is. Do you have any community that would back you up in your lowest points? Because all of these things are going to happen? It's just the the net natural progression of business. What is your plan? Right.

Jessica Rasdall 34:26

So good. And I think I just I I love all this episode is such a blessing to all of our listeners and myself included. Thank you know, we all need that reminder. We need the reminder that like what we have is more than enough and we can it's okay to stop looking elsewhere for the solution. Like we have everything our audience needs, and we just need to spend more time connecting with them, meeting them where they are not where we are. closing those gaps. This is so so good. Okay, so for our listeners Who are now your audience? Learn? How can they learn more about you? Where do they follow you and I believe you have a workbook that we can use to kind of start to break this down. Tell us more.

Desola Davis 35:18

Yes. So I'm always on Instagram at de sola Davis. I also have my own podcast called journey to fan so you can come listen to me there. And yeah, so excited. Yay. Um, and I have I do have a free workbook it is. I call it the strangers to dream clients workbook. But it gives you the three things that you need to develop your own raving fan base, hit your sales goals with ease, and just build a business that attracts your dream clients so that you're always working with people you love, because I think that that's important, too,

Jessica Rasdall 35:53

is it is so important. And we'll link all of this in the show notes so you can easily go click and binge, all the things. I can't say thank you enough for joining me on the show and chatting with me today. Because this was just wonderful. Super fun. Thanks again for having me. Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode of The speak to scale podcast. It would mean the world to us if you could just take a second and head on over to iTunes and leave us a review. Your support of this show allows us to continue creating this content for you each and every week. And we appreciate your reviews and you sharing about the show more than you know. As always, I will be over here cheering you on friend. I'll see you next week for another episode of The speak to scale podcast.

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