Ep 86: How to Scale your Business With Speaking

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Welcome to…the Speak to Scale Podcast! 

That’s right, with this episode, we’ve transitioned from the Creative Speaker Podcast to our brand new name. Same old host, but new and exciting content that’ll give you the tools you need to move the needle in your business through speaking.

What are we discussing in this debut episode of the Speak to Scale Podcast? We’re going to cover how to approach using speaking to scale your business. Let’s talk about choosing the best events and stages, feeling confident as a speaker, and flipping the script when it comes to the traditional speaking path to success.

If you loved this episode and it motivated you to work on more polished presentations, I’d love for you to leave a review on iTunes and tell me about your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me @jessicarasdall.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Choose your stage wisely

Speaking is not this hot new trend, right? The act of getting onstage to share a message or tell a story has been around forever. What’s different now is how many more stages we speakers have access to today, and how you use your chosen stages to benefit your business.

This is important to remember because it’s super easy to hyper-fixate on that one perfect event you want to be a part of. You know what I’m talking about. It’s the big event in your industry, the unicorn, the VIP club that everyone wants to speak at.

It’s fine to want to have this event on your vision board or your list of goals, but my point is, don’t ignore other opportunities while holding out hope for this one. And you know what? That big event may not be the most beneficial to your business

Like, what if this big event caters to an older male corporate crowd, while you serve new entrepreneurs and women in business? It doesn’t make sense, does it?

Instead of focusing on this one event, think about what types of events will work for your goals. Think about what you can deliver to your target audience. 

Avoiding imposter syndrome

One of the fun things about being an entrepreneur is finding your people. Your biz besties, your inner circle, your mastermind buddies. 

When you find your people, it can feel like a weight’s been lifted off your chest. They know what you’re going through, what you hope for, and what you struggle with. They lift you up and celebrate your wins.

But you can easily fall into a habit of comparing yourself to your peers and friends. And when you do that, you forget who you should be speaking to. You might start thinking you’re not good enough, or that you can’t serve your audience from the stage.

You can! You are not your peers. You can celebrate the success of others while also knowing that your path might look a little different. 

Take a look at your business, for example. No one is offering exactly what you are offering, whether you’re a course creator, a graphic designer, a coach, or an OBM. You may share the same professional space as others, but there is no one else like you. And that is what you have to zero in on to avoid imposter syndrome.

Just remember: Focus on how you can serve your audience. Not how your biz besties would do it. 

How the Speak to Scale method works… backward

When I say that speaking shouldn’t be an expense, I don’t mean that it should be free. (Dream on, right?) I mean that it shouldn’t cost you big bucks with little or nothing to show for it.

Speaking should be a strategic investment for your business that you approach with a clear directive. It’s not a fun side gig that you do when you feel like it, or something you wish for and not work for.

But how do you approach speaking with the goal of earning revenue and scaling your business? You take the traditional path — book the gig, look the part, write the talk, and hope to convert — and flip the script.

Here’s a quick rundown of how:

  • Start with the end in mind. What’s your conversion strategy? Why are you going after certain events? What can they do to grow your business?

  • Then, write your talk. How will it support your conversion strategy? It’s the core of your messaging, so don’t leave it as an afterthought!

  • Now you can use your talk to position yourself as an expert. Bonus, this’ll help you avoid imposter syndrome and deliver your talk with confidence.

  • Finally, you find and clinch those speaking opportunities! You know what you’re trying to do for your business through speaking, who you’ll serve, how you’ll serve them, and why you’re the right person. 

That’s how you do it, folks. If you’re reaching out to others and hoping to book events without knowing your “who, what, how, and why,” you’re just spinning your wheels and wasting time. 

Know yourself and your business through and through

We know that speaking can help you grow your business, increase your income, and make an even bigger impact in a way that feels good. Getting on stage is the fastest and most consistent way to convert and build your cred.

But in order to reap those benefits, you gotta put in the work. You have to be selective with the events and stages you choose. And this all starts by knowing why you’re a speaker, who you serve, and what you’re delivering for both your audience and your business.

Feeling a little overwhelmed with this backward path to speaking success? I got you. Join the Speak to Scale Vault, which takes the guesswork out of your speaking strategy! 

It’s packed full of expert speaking resources designed specifically for biz owners and entrepreneurs like you who are ready to scale their business through speaking. When you join the Speak to Scale Vault, you’ll gain access to workbooks, guides, exercises, recordings, and checklists that’ll help you:

  • Identify your starting point with speaking

  • Craft a meaningful and concise message

  • Establish yourself as an in-demand speaker

The Speak to Scale Vault has everything you need to get started. Join now!

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