Ep 95: Why Your Speaking Topic Doesn't Matter

Why Your Speaking Topic Doesn't Matter - Blog Cover.png

Welcome back! A lot of us are terrified to look wrong or less than perfect. We waste precious time and miss out on great speaking opportunities because we’re being overly perfectionist about selecting the right speaking topic. What if I told you that it's NOT your speaking topic that converts. It doesn't matter how good your talk is... it will only convert if it's being delivered in front of the right audience. Instead of spinning your wheels about a specific topic for an audience you have very little chance of converting, zero in on the audience you are meant to serve and love speaking to. Your topic will come to you a lot easier when you focus on their needs and goals. If you've been dragging your feet or making excuses about selecting the right speaking topic before you'll take action and your pitch yourself, tune in so we can break down those barriers.

If you loved this episode and it motivated you to add speaking to your business, I’d love for you to leave me some positive feedback on iTunes and tell me about your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us @thecreativespeakerpodcast.

Episode takeaways you don’t want to miss:

  • You don’t need to have a speaking topic nailed down to take action on a speaking opportunity

  • Why focusing on serving your audience will help you come up with the right speaking topic

  • The importance of getting in front of the right audience for conversions vs stressing over picking a topic that will resonate with an audience you weren’t meant to serve and will never convert

Reminder: Take a screenshot of your itunes review and email it to hello@jessicarasdall.com to be entered to win a free speaker strategy session

Resources mentioned in this episode:

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