Ep 113: Stepping into Your Greatness (ft. Ginny Krauss)

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When you think about speaking: grabbing that microphone, stepping onto the stage and pouring into your people, how do you envision yourself? Can you feel those beads of sweat starting to appear as your heart beats like a drum? Maybe you're excited and you know exactly what you're going to say, and you're ready to jump on the stage. No matter where you fall on this scale, I'm willing to bet there's been a moment or two in your life or in your business when there was an opportunity for you to step up to the plate and own your greatness and you second-guessed yourself. In this episode of the Speak to Scale Podcast, I brought on greatness coach and brand visibility expert Ginny Krauss to discuss how to get step out of your comfort zone and into greatness without letting the overwhelming expectation of success hold you back.

If you loved this episode and it motivated you to add speaking to your business, I’d love for you to leave me some positive feedback on iTunes and tell me about your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us @thecreativespeakerpodcast.

Episode takeaways you don’t want to miss:

  • How to overcome inner road blocks that may be holding you back from greatness

  • Focusing on the view of the impact you’re making for others rather than focusing your view on looking in the mirror

  • The power of physical reminders and people who remind you of your greatness

  • The importance of the circles you’re in and masterminds you invest in

  • Stepping into greatness is a long game; how to continue chasing your greatness over time

  • How habits and routines are important for attaining your greatness

Reminder: Take a screenshot of your itunes review and email it to hello@jessicarasdall.com to be entered to win a free speaker strategy session

Resources mentioned in this episode:

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