Ep 124: How to use Instagram as a Public Speaker (ft. Natasha Samuel)

How to Use Instagram as a Public Speaker

It’s no secret that social media is a valuable marketing tool. Yes, they started out as a bunch of fun apps where you can share photos and videos, but they’re no longer just that. 

Now, social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Pinterest, and LinkedIn can be powerful tools for speakers…when used correctly. If you figure out where your audience is online and what content they want to see from you, you can share your message with your people, and even find more opportunities to speak! That’s what we’ll talk about in this episode.

This episode is a chat with Natasha Samuel of @shinewithnatasha — and we talk mostly about Instagram. But the lessons she covers can be applied to virtually any social media you use, so that’s what I’m talking about below. 

If you loved this episode and it motivated you to add speaking to your business, I’d love for you to leave a review on iTunes and tell me about your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me @jessicarasdall.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

This episode is brought to you by my friend and go-to lawyer, Joey C. Vitale and The Startup Kit. It's an online, self-paced training resource that breaks down how to form an LLC no matter what state you're in. Joey gives you templates for all the paperwork involved and you also get an attorney-approved privacy policy and terms of use for your website. At under $100 Joey's Startup Kit is already a no-brainer (privacy policy and terms of use for your website alone cost more than the entire start up kit) if you don't have this stuff, but I've got a treat for you.

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Pick your social media platforms carefully

Before you jump online and set up new social media accounts on every platform out there, hold on for a second. I want you to determine the right social media platforms for you. This answer might not be what you expect!

For example, let’s say that you use YouTube a lot. You follow a lot of content creators and watch YouTube videos in your personal time. Should you start using YouTube for speaking?

It depends on your audience.

Just because you like YouTube personally and have seen other speakers on the platform doesn’t mean that it’s the best place for you and your business. You might realize that your target audience prefers shorter videos on TikTok and Instagram Reels! It’s super important that you find where your people are online and be there. You don’t have to be everywhere.

You might also realize that YouTube simply isn’t for you. You give it a try, but speaking into a camera and editing videos just isn’t your thing. Maybe you prefer Facebook Lives or batch recording TikToks. That’s totally okay.

Using social media for speaking doesn’t mean you have to use all the social media tools out there. Take your audience and your needs into account, and be intentional with where you share content online. 

Set some goals

Let’s say you’ve picked your social media platforms. Cool. What do you want to achieve on those platforms?

Your goals might look like:

  • Booking more speaking opportunities

  • Driving traffic to your website

  • Getting more clients

  • Selling more digital products, courses, or memberships

Outlining your goals for your social media first will help you determine what to share and when. 

For example, if you want to book more conferences, you could focus on connecting with podcast hosts and event organizers on social media. If you want to sell more of your offers, you might talk about who they’re for and what problems they solve to nudge people to buy.

This is an important step; without having your goals in mind, it’s easy to post anything and everything on your social media feeds. Outline your goals and plan a strategy for achieving them with the social media platforms you choose.

Share the right content

No matter what platforms you’ve chosen to use for speaking, I encourage you to focus on three things.

First, show up as an expert. Don’t wait for someone to hand you a microphone! Think of your social media platform as a stage, because it is one. You can serve your people from there, too. Share content that will educate, entertain, inspire, or inform your audience. Make sure that content aligns with your core message, or billboard statement.

You’ve gotta back up your expertise with proof, though, which brings me to my second point. 

Use your social media as a mini portfolio. This is one of the best ways you can share your speaking experience. You might post photos from past presentations with a little behind-the-scenes story in the caption, or share what an audience member said to you after your talk.

What’s cool about platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels and Facebook Stories is that you can share bite-size bits of your talks without giving the whole experience away. Give your audience a glimpse of what they’d get from your presentations.

Finally, social media is social, right? Talk to people! Get feedback on your talks. Network with other speakers and event organizers. Let others know when you’re open for new opportunities. 

BONUS: Connect with your audience post-talk

One more tip I wanna share with you about social media! Use it to connect with your audience after your speaking engagements. You’ve already connected with many of them before by being social and sharing the right content. Now you can close more sales in your DMs!

Be open to those questions and conversations that will inevitably happen post-talk. Some people just need a little more information, a little more convincing to invest in your offer. You can close the deal simply by keeping an eye on your socials after you step off the stage. 

Want more tips on using social media for your speaking journey? Access the Speak to Scale Vault today and you’ve got it!

The Speak to Scale Vault is packed full of resources you need to start scaling your business from the stage. Exercises, trainings, recordings, deep-dive workbooks — with these resources at your fingertips, you’ll craft your message, reach your audiences, and establish yourself as an in-demand speaker in your space.

Start taking action on your speaker journey now by accessing the Speak to Scale Vault!

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How to use instagram as a public speaker

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