144: Moving from Virtual to In-Person Speaking

Ep 144 Moving From Virtual to In-Person Speaking

There are plenty of things changing after the “unprecedented times'' we've been navigating for the last year. For those of us who’ve been speaking virtually this whole time, the shift to in-person speaking might feel foreign, and even intimidating. But the truth is: in-person events are coming back, and you’ll want to be ready for them.

If you’re not used to in-person speaking, you may not feel as confident or prepared. I want to make sure that you’re as ready as you can be to make that switch. That’s why, in this episode, we’ll talk about the differences between virtual and in-person events, how you need to take event preparation to the next level, and how you can personally get yourself ready for your next speaking opportunity.

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Resources mentioned in this episode:

Feeling confident and ready for in-person speaking

Truth be told, this topic is something I hadn’t even considered talking about had it not been for some of my mastermind friends. I’m in a few different mastermind groups, which helped me avoid becoming a completely isolated introvert over the past year.

While on a mastermind call a few weeks ago, some of my friends talked about how they struggled with feeling nervous and unsure about speaking in person. That threw me for a loop. When everything closed down at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, we all focused on shifting from in-person to virtual events. How would we handle webinars and live streams and podcasts?

But I didn’t stop to think about how we’d have to adjust once in-person events eventually made their comeback. The reality is, though, in-person speaking is a totally different game if you’ve never done it before, or you’ve grown comfortable with virtual speaking.

Now, I’m not saying that you need to be at all the in-person events and speaking at giant conferences right away, especially if you’re not prepared! What I do want is for you to be ready to accept in-person opportunities, whenever they arise and feel good about doing so.

What to consider when speaking at in-person events

Event preparation

Whether you’re doing a virtual speaking event or an in-person one, you should take certain steps to prepare, like understanding your audience, understanding the host’s goals, and keeping logistics like the format in mind. That’s just part of being a good speaker.

However, when you’re doing an in-person event, you have to take preparation to the next level.

There are details for in-person events you’ve probably never had to consider for virtual. For example, I’m 5 foot 2 inches. If the stage isn’t elevated, people past the third row probably aren’t even going to see me! I have to accommodate that by speaking to the host about stage setup, the microphones I prefer, the tech I’ll need, how I’ll present using screens, and so on.

Take care of as many details as you can ahead of time so that you don’t have to worry about them while presenting.

Show up early and run through your presentation

It’s not enough to just handle the details before your event. Do an entire run-through of your presentation before your attendees show up.

Make sure all of your tech works. Do a soundcheck. Ensure that your slides load and your presentation is smooth. Make sure that any tech you bring is compatible with the host’s tech. Be clear on who will introduce you and what they’ll say. Have an extra mic ready for audience members during engagement segments.

Call me a control freak or high maintenance, but I think that this is all part of being prepared. It lets the host know that you’re serious about delivering a high-quality presentation. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need.

Step away from your computer and practice

The biggest takeaway I want to leave you with? Start getting comfortable with your presentation...away from your computer and your slides. Now’s the time to commit to your signature talk and get really, really good at it.

Here’s how I practice: I plug my computer into the TV. I stand in front of my TV, computer behind me, remote in hand. Then I’ll go through my presentation, looking at my “audience,” whether it’s my couch, my dogs, my kids, or a bunch of stuffed animals sitting in front of me. I’m not relying on the TV screen to see what slide comes next.

Another tip? Record yourself. I know, no one likes to listen to themselves speak, but it will help you figure out your pacing and performance. You’ll identify what you need to tweak so you can take your speaking to the next level.

If you’re not already comfortable delivering your presentation without relying on your slides or speaking "off the cuff," practice it as you would present in person. You’ll build competence and muscle memory so you can crush it on stage.

Give yourself the time and energy you deserve

One last piece of advice I want to give you, especially if you’re an introvert like me: give yourself enough time and energy to be your best at your in-person events. Don’t try to cram a speaking opportunity between other obligations. Not only can that be stressful, but it can be emotionally draining.

Leave as much space in your calendar as you can to travel if needed, prepare for the event, practice, and really be present at the conference. You’ll deliver a great presentation and make connections, plus allow yourself to decompress when it’s all over. Let yourself reflect and feel good about how you did after, rather than rush to check the next thing off your to-do list.

Transitioning from virtual to in-person speaking or hybrid events can seem scary, but you can do it! Give yourself lots of time to prepare for the event — physically, mentally, and emotionally — and I know you’ll feel confident in your delivery and presentation. You got this.


Have you been toying with the idea of hosting a hybrid or virtual event? Are you wondering if these speaking engagements are right for you? What you need is a space to ask questions and connect with other hosts and speakers who have the same questions.

Join our free speaker community if you're ready to link arms with others who are working toward crafting presentations and host events that make an impact and help their business. A little extra accountability never hurts anyone, and that's what you'll find inside the Speak to Scale Community!

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Ep 144 Moving From Virtual to In-Person Speaking

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