196: How to Build Relationships for Your Coaching Business with Speaking

Calling all coaches! Are you looking for that perfect coaching client? 

You know who I’m talking about. Someone who’s in line with your values, the vision for your business. Someone whose personality vibes with yours. Someone who you know would be a dream to coach.

You want to help people, of course, but your job would be even better and more fulfilling if you could truly connect with your clients and build strong relationships with them. You know you can help your client even more if you’re both on the same page.

Well, my friend, speaking can help you find those perfect clients.

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Know who your dream client is (and who it isn’t)

Let’s start with the obvious first. To attract those dream clients for your coaching business, you have to know who you’re looking for first.

I find a lot of coaches I talk to say something like, “someone who wants to grow their business.” That’s a great place to start, but it’s not detailed enough.

Sure, they want to grow their business — who doesn’t? — but why? What do they want to be able to do with their success? Do they want more time with loved ones and for themselves? More money to travel or take family vacations?

What are the pain points that your dream clients experience? What would help them feel transformed, inspired, or empowered? How can you help them achieve that?

On the flip side, knowing what makes a person the opposite of a dream client can be really helpful, too.  

When you get clear on what you’re not looking for, you can create a speaking strategy that clearly focuses on who you want to serve. The people who stumble upon you who aren’t your dream clients? They understand that you’re not the right fit for them.

Connect to your audience through speaking

You know what kinds of clients you want to speak to and attract. How can you build a strong relationship with these people and encourage them to work with you?

“Connecting with potential clients” isn’t just limited to coffee chats or networking sessions. You can do that from the stage.

The best way to reach multiple dream clients at once is to share a story that your audience will care about. You need to remind your audience that you’re human, and you’re worth getting to know more.

Here’s what happens when you get on a stage, grab a microphone, join a podcast, and step in front of a camera. Your audience instantly puts you on a pedestal. It’s not because of anything you did or will do, but it’s natural for audience members to perceive speakers that way.

To be a great speaker and to connect with those dream clients in your audience, you need to knock that pedestal over. Be relatable yet knowledgeable, friendly yet authoritative. Show your audience that you’ve been in their shoes and you know the best path forward. You can do this by telling the right story. (More on that in a minute!)

Take advantage of the time after your talk, too. You never know who might approach you wanting to chat. Be open to these conversations. Look for opportunities to keep this relationship going. It takes bravery to approach a speaker after their presentation, so someone who does is likely open to what you have to offer.

Tell the right story

The right story can attract the right clients. Once you’re in front of the right audience, what should you actually say to keep them invested and encourage them to work with you?

First, consider your billboard statement. Your billboard statement is the one message you want to leave with your audience even after you’re gone. Of course, this will depend on who you serve and what type of coach you are.

Maybe your billboard statement is “Don’t fear the data in your business; let it help you grow.” Or, “When you know what’s most important to you, prioritizing your day becomes much easier.” Or, “Your business should support the life you want, not the other way around.” See what I mean?

With your billboard statement at the core of your talk, you need to do three things:

  • Showcase results. Tell your audience what action they should take next and why. What’s in it for them?

  • Address their concerns. Everyone will have questions and reasons to hesitate before taking action. Be proactive and address those issues.

  • Give your audience a clear next step. This is especially important if you’re speaking at a conference with multiple speakers. Your audience needs to remember you, and remember what to do next!

This is how you connect with and book more clients with speaking. This is how you tell your story and find your dream clients by doing so.

Bring in ideal coaching clients with your talk

Connection is one of the most powerful things you can build with your audience. This connection encourages people to take action on your message and leads people to work with you. But most importantly, a genuine connection helps you find those ideal coaching clients for your business.

By getting clear on who you want to serve, using the stage to find opportunities to connect, and telling the right story, you’re positioning yourself to find those dream clients of yours.

But what if you need more help on the “telling the right story” step?

Storyboarding Your Talk can help!

Storyboarding Your Talk will help you ditch that writer’s block and craft a perfect talk. With this training, you’ll plan, visualize, and write a talk that flows well and hits all the important points of your message. 

Storyboarding Your Talk is only 30 minutes long, so you can take what you need from it and start on your talk right away. And at the end, you’ll be ready to share your presentation, take the stage with confidence, and meet your dream coaching clients.

Get started on your presentation now with Storyboarding Your Talk!

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