211: Why Speaking Isn’t Working for You

You know that speaking is an excellent way to grow your business. You’ve even begun taking steps to do that, like searching for speaker events near you or listening to podcast episodes on how to start speaking (wink, wink). But so far, speaking isn’t working for you.

If you’ve started thinking that you don’t have what it takes to be a speaker or aren’t good enough at speaking, I want you to stop right there. I say this with all the kindness and love I have: you’re wrong, friend. You can become an amazing speaker.

Let’s figure out why you’re not getting the results you want and how to get you back on track toward your speaking goals.

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Getting past that fork in the road

After nearly seventeen years as a public speaker and more than eight as a speaking strategist for business owners, I’ve found that many of my clients and aspiring speakers have very similar experiences on their speaking journeys. Here’s how it goes:

  1. They set goals for their business, like getting their brand name out there, increasing their number of leads, building their email list, etc. Speaking is their strategy.

  2. They begin speaking on podcasts, at summits, in livestreams, and at conferences. 

  3. They love the work they’re doing and can tell they’re making an impact on their audience. (Which is great!) But it’s not actually working for their biz as they hoped. (Which is not.)

  4. They’re spending more time and money being a speaker than actually making that money.

And here we’ve come to that fork in the road. Do you continue speaking and hope that it works out? Or do you stop speaking and focus on other activities that actually generate revenue?

The good news is, you don’t have to throw your speaking plans out the window. You can make both happen — continue speaking and generate revenue — by pinpointing the problem and taking action.

Scenario #1: You’re ready to speak but not finding events.

If this is where you’re at, you might need a clearer plan of action to follow. You’re feeling the call to speak and the drive to make a difference in the world, but you’re just not sure how to go about it.

Instead of waiting for events to come to you or making industry connections by chance, I want you to take action. I want you to be proactive rather than reactive with your speaking strategy. 

Think of your answers to the following questions:

  • Why do you want to be a speaker?

  • Who is your audience?

  • What topics will you speak on? (This resource can help!)

  • Which events are the right fit?

Got ‘em? Your answers form the foundation of your Speak to Scale Roadmap. When you’re clear on the impact you’ll make for an audience from the stage and the impact speaking will have on your biz, it’s so much easier to take action.

*Want to get The Speak to Scale Roadmap for free? Leave a review for the podcast, screenshot the published review, and send it to hello@jessicarasdall.com or DM me on IG. We'll send you our Speak to Scale Roadmap as a thank you! 

Scenario #2: You’re speaking but not converting leads or getting clients.

If this sounds familiar, you may be speaking to the wrong audience, OR your talk isn’t structured to convert. You need to evaluate your audience and your talk to see what needs work.

First, revisit your plan, especially the parts on why you want to speak and who you want to speak to. Many business owners get hung up on this part. We end up speaking in rooms we want to be sitting in, with peers in the audience instead of potential clients. Reevaluate who you’re serving and who your ideal audience is.

Once you’re crystal clear on your ideal audience, you’ll better understand how to meet their needs with your talk. What are their hopes and dreams? Where are they now? How can you guide them forward with your presentation? Connect with your audience through your talk, and watch those conversions increase.

Want a more in-depth resource that will take your talk to the next level? Build Your Presentation: Talk Template Bundle will help you write powerful presentations that make an impact and convert for your biz!

Scenario #3: You’re pitching yourself but not getting booked.

Pitching is like dating: awkward and nerve-wracking. (Kidding. Maybe.) If you’re putting yourself out there but not getting responses to your pitches or getting booked, it’s time to look at how you’re marketing yourself and connecting with organizers and hosts.

The key to writing a successful pitch is to focus on them, not yourself. Focus on what you’re bringing to the podcast, the summit, the conference. Don’t try to sparkle and be interesting and flattering. Be sincere and friendly. It’ll work better in building a genuine, lasting professional relationship.

And if pitches aren’t the problem? You might need to step up your speaker marketing. What does your off-stage presence look like? Your social media presence, your email list, your speaker website? You should be showing up as a speaker before you even get a mic in your hand.

Scenario #4: You’re speaking but not getting paid.

What if you’re doing all the right things we’ve just discussed but not getting paid? In this case, you need to check the back end of things. Specifically, your system for booking new opportunities and how you’re packaging your presentations.

I want you to treat your speaking as a high-end service your business offers. It’s not a little side hustle or a fun hobby. You’ve poured a lot of hard work and passion into being a speaker. Own it — and charge what you’re worth! This episode can help you break down what people are “buying” with your speaker fee.

It’s important to have a sales system in place for your biz. You should have accurate speaker fees ready to go for pitches and inquiries, a system for negotiating fees with organizers, and a system of presenting your speaking packages. This resource will help you figure out what you should be charging for your speaking services.

Be sure you’re marketing yourself as a paid speaker, too. Promote yourself as one and people will see you as one. Remember: own it!

Take the quiz to get clear on your speaker path

I hope that seeing these different speaking scenarios helped you realize that you’re not doing anything wrong with speaking! Your efforts aren’t a flop. They just need some tweaks. And you need an upgraded speaking strategy that fits your business and your goals as they are now. You might be surprised at how much both have evolved since you started on your speaking journey.

And if you’ve never built a speaking plan before, it’s not too late to start. We can help! 

Take our quiz to learn where you are on your speaking path and what steps you should take next, so you can get back on the stage with clarity and confidence.

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