You know what message you want to share and who you want to speak to. The problem lies in actually finding those opportunities. Today, I want to break down three steps that you should be taking right now in order to get yourself booked to speak.
Read MoreAfter working with hundreds of smalls business owners to craft their stories and harness the power of public speaking to grow their businesses, I’ve found a common thread. We ALL get nervous when it comes to public speaking.
Read MoreYou were just asked to speak at an upcoming event and you’re so freaking excited. You know that speaking is the fastest way to grow your platform and increase your influence. However, the organizer just notified you that there is no budget for speakers and they will not be able to pay you for your time or travel.
Read MoreHave you considered hosting your own event this year or next? Regardless of the format, you are probably so excited about all the bells, whistles, and pretty touches you've been dreaming up. But there's one thing that's holding you back from pushing play, hitting publish, or sending that email out.
You're not sure how to get the best-fit speakers for your event.
Read More“What should I wear for my speaking engagement?” I’ve asked this question a lot and it makes me giggle because I have admittedly no fashion sense. My work-from-home uniform is a pair of black yoga pants and a t-shirt. Fun fact: I’ve never done yoga, so there’s that.
Read MoreYou've taken the leap and started adding speaking to your marketing activities... but it just doesn't seem to be working. You envisioned tons of testimonials, endless new clients and a booked out speaking calendar.
Instead... you're hearing crickets.
Read MoreYou want to build credibility and be seen as the go-to expert in your zone of genius. You’ve been working hard to craft a high-value presentation that positions you as the authority in your industry. However, you’re struggling to craft it in a way that feels authentic AND effective.
Read MoreYou’ve been gaining momentum in your business and others are asking for your help. Maybe you’ve gone on one-too-many “let me pick your brain” coffee dates and you realize something has got to give. If these people are benefiting so much from your knowledge (for free), what difference could you make if you packaged your expertise into a cohesive resource? Is sounds like you’re ready to be an educator, friend.
Read MoreCongratulations!
You’ve just been selected to speak at your favorite creative conference, and you could not be more excited! You’ve attended this event and been so inspired by the different women sharing their stories.
To be one of those women helping others?
You’ve been dreaming about this for years!
But what do you do when the organizer gives you a topic that’s NOT in your zone of genius? Even if you’re no stranger to the subject, it’s definitely not what you would have chosen for yourself.
Read MoreYou want to make a deeper connection with Your audience but you don’t know HOW.
You’ve worked really hard to build your business and as much as you want to be a storytelling ninja, you’re scared. You’re scared to get up on a stage and not look as polished as you do on your website. You’re scared to overshare and have people think differently of you. You’re scared of possibly tainting the thing you’ve worked so hard to build.
Read MoreIf you're a small business owner looking to add speaking to your business but you have no idea where to start, today I'm going to help you figure out what steps you should be taking first and why.
Read MoreYou’re thinking about becoming a speaker and stepping into an educator role in your industry but you're not sure if you're ready. How do we know if we're ready to be a speaker? What makes us qualified to speak?
Spoiler alert: It's not a certain number of social media followers or a specific income level.
Watch this week’s video to find out if you’re ready to speak
Read MoreYou attend creative conferences, stare up at that stage, and can’t wait until your moment on it. And you’ve been in business awhile and absolutely know your stuff.
But are you ready for the spotlight?
Is your business “ready enough” to take the stage?
I got a question around this recently, and it brought up something very specific that I found interesting. So interesting, even, that I just had to give it the #JustAskJess treatment!
Read MoreYou spent hours toiling away at your pitch to speak at your favorite conference.
You brainstormed a ton of topics, had your mastermind help you pick the best one, and your biz bestie looked over your pitch before you sent it in.
It was amazing! Your positioning is on-point, it’s so professional-sounding, and you look like an incredible expert in your industry.
You’re so excited that, thanks to this brilliant pitch, this will be the year you get chosen to speak at your favorite event.
But your hourly inbox checks (okay, make that twice an hour…) keep turning up crickets, and happens.
Read MoreIn this week’s #JustAskJess, I’m answering a question I was recently asked by someone in a panic: “I hired someone to write a pitch for me, but it’s not working. What now?”
Read MoreIf you own a business that doesn’t serve other businesses, you may think that you have nothing to talk about at creative conferences full of entrepreneurs.
That’s completely untrue, so today we’re going to talk about how all the B2C entrepreneurs out there can approach these kinds of presentations, and what you should be talking about.
Read MoreToday, let’s talk about all the “what ifs” you may be asking yourself around your next presentation.
“What if I forget everything I’m supposed to say up there?”
“What if I bomb and it just looks horrible?”
“What if I look silly?”
Read MoreA lot of you ask me, “why does it feel like I’m the only one NOT getting asked to speak at these amazing industry events?”
Ever felt that way?
Read MoreYou’re a creative business owner speaking at conferences in your industry. You want to build credibility and be seen as the go-to expert in your zone of genius. So obviously you want to have a high-value presentation with tons of educational content to position yourself that way. At least that’s what so many creative business owners think at first.
Read More