Unpaid does not Equate to “Not Valuable”

You’re not going to perfect your craft if you don’t have a chance to practice it. Get on that stage and serve your people. Do you need to break the bank building your credibility? No. But should you turn down valuable opportunities because they’re unpaid? Absolutely not.

Weigh your options, do the math and seek out opportunities that are mutually beneficial.

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Why You Need a YouTube Channel as a Speaker

If you are thinking about adding speaking to your business you probably aren’t thinking about a YouTube channel, right?  What good would a YouTube channel do for you if you want to start booking those speaking gigs?  Why should you add another platform?

Let me tell you, you are missing out on a huge opportunity on YouTube.  And YouTube should probably be the main platform you are focusing on!

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3 Things You Need to Know if You Think You're the Only One Not Being Asked to Speak at Creative Conferences

Another conference speaker line up has been announced and you’re dealing with major FOMO. It feels like everyone ELSE is getting asked to speak at events and you keep getting skipped over. Sulking in your desk chair you scream at your computer “You forgot about meeeee!!!”

I get it, you want to speak at creative conferences but you feel like everyone EXCEPT you is getting their chance to shine. Rather than slipping into a three day netflix binge and sulking over what isn’t working…. I’m going to break down three things you need to know about how conference organizers pick their speakers AND give you action steps to finally snag your spot on the stage.

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Jessica RasdallComment
10 Ways NOT to Share Your Story as a Business Owner

You know story is essential to connecting with your audience as a business owner. It's the secret sauce that weaves your business together and allows you to stand out in a crowded market. In fact, I bet you're already using story, riiiiight?

If you're not, that's ok! I'm breaking down 10 of The Most Common Story Mistakes that business owner's are making so YOU can avoid those suckers! And *if* you happen to be guilty of one of these offenses... don't worry! I have a solution for you as well!  

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Jessica Rasdall Comments
How to Turn Your Mess into a Message Part 3: The Ripple Effect


So now that you've got your story ready to go, how do you put it out into the world? Fears, insecurities and past experience have a way of creeping up and telling us "No You Can't." But if you really want to silence those voices, you have to take back control and focus on what really matters: YOUR IMPACT. Once you refocus your attention on the good that comes from your message, you'll be able to shout "YES I CAN" with confidence. 

This week I'm breaking down exactly how to Turn Your Mess into a Message in three steps. Did I mention each step comes with a handy-dandy worksheet to help you take action? Today, it's all about taking ACTION and sharing your message with the world. Let's dive right in...

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Jessica RasdallComment
How to Turn Your Mess into a Message - Part 1


Tough times are an opportunity for growth. More importantly, they're an opportunity for us to impact others with our experiences.

When we're constantly faced with our friends' "Instagram Perfect Life" it can feel like we're the only one struggling. The reality is, there is usually so much more going on behind the scenes that we don't know about. 

If you feel like you're the only one going through rough times--trust me, you're not! Someone is waiting to hear YOUR dose of reality and message of hope right now. 

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Jessica Rasdall Comments
How to Make Time for Public Speaking as an Entrepreneur

I can't tell you how often someone tells me, "I'm too busy to pursue speaking." Do you know what my immediate response is? "How bad do you want it?" If you want to add speaking to your growing business, it is absolutely possible for you. Will you make it happen? Well... that's completely up to you. In today's video, I'm going to give you three tips on how to Make Time Time for Public Speaking as a business owner. 

I get it, you're "busy"... the to-do list is never-ending and the unread number on your inbox number could easily be confused with this week's lotto jackpot. But before you tell me you "don't have time" to start speaking, let's take a look at what that REALLY means...

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Jessica RasdallComment
Presentation Prep: 3 Tips on Preparing for Q&A

You landing a speaking opportunity and you're super nervous. You're not scared of speaking... Pshhh, you're already got that in the bag. You're freaking out because they told you that there will be Q & A after your presentation.

Don't worry, I have a trick (or 3) up my sleeve to help you rock your Q&A session!

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Jessica RasdallComment
Dealing with Jealousy in Business


Are you finding yourself discouraged by the success of your peers rather than motivated by it? Do you use the phrase #CollaborationOverCompetition but you're really #ComparingAndJudging behind the scenes.

Jealous is normal... but that beast is crippling your success. 
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Jessica RasdallComment
3 Things You Must Do Before You Write Your Presentation
Your audience may not see what happens behind the scenes to prepare, but they will surely notice if you don’t.

Proper preparation is essential to a successful presentation and it will:

  • Ensure that you are sharing content that is relevant to your audience.
  • Ease your nerves and help you feel confident in your content.
  • Streamline the speech writing process and save you valuable time.
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