205: 4 Things That Successful Speakers Do to Get Booked

What makes an in-demand speaker so popular? Why do event organizers and planners flock to certain speakers instead of others? What are they doing right that you can learn from and apply to your own speaking journey?

I can’t say for sure since everyone is unique…but I have a pretty good idea. And you know what? Becoming one of those most-booked speakers involves more than sending a gazillion pitches. It’s about who you are off of the stage.

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Successful speakers show up

There’s a marketing “fact” floating around out there that people need to see a message at least seven times before it sinks in. People remember by repetition. Think about how you used to memorize stuff in school; maybe you looked at flashcards over and over, or listened to lectures on repeat.

As a speaker, it means you need to be at the forefront of your audience’s minds whenever you can.

“Showing up” can mean a lot of different things. Booking the right events to get in front of your target audience, for example. Keeping the conversation going on social media and in your emails. Speaking at an event for free to boost your cred and make connections.

To be an in-demand speaker, you gotta show up in a way that serves your audience and makes sense for your business, whether that’s at events or on social media.

This brings me to my next point…

Successful speakers create content

Creating the right content for your brand and biz can be tough, I know. But actually coming up with the right topics to talk about on Pinterest or Instagram? It’s easier than you think.

All you have to do is look at what you’re already saying on stage. Your speaking strategy is already your business strategy — which means your content strategy is your business strategy, too!

Stay on topic and in your space when creating and sharing content. People will notice if you’re onstage talking about one thing but saying something contradictory in your emails or on your blog. That inconsistency makes it harder for your audience to trust you as an expert in your field.

Successful speakers are active in their spaces

This is where niching down really comes in handy. And it’s not just because you have a smaller group to focus on in your space. When you’re clear on your niche, you know exactly who you’re talking to and why. 

Which can make it easier to figure out ways of remaining active in your space that don’t just involve getting onstage. Joining networking groups or support groups is one way. Or you could team up with fellow biz owners for a campaign or special event. 

Get creative when serving your niche. Listen to what other people in your space are asking for and think of ways you can show up.

Successful speakers are consistent

All of these previous points — showing up for your people, creating content, and being active in your space — don’t mean a dang thing if you’re not doing it consistently. This is probably the most important thing you should be doing to get booked.

You can’t show up for your audience only when you want something. And creating content only when you feel like it won’t help you build a loyal following. Same goes for being active in your space. If you go MIA whenever your biz is doing fine, people will be able to sense that you only pop up when you need something from others.

So, be consistent. All of these behaviors have to become second nature to you. That’s how it becomes easy, and also how it gets you booked.

Think about your brand and biz, too

A successful, sought-after speaker isn’t a perfect human being on the stage and someone completely different off the stage. That just doesn’t work in the age of the internet. 

Maybe the whole Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde act was easier to hide in the old days, but now, who you are as a speaker has to be genuine. Your speaker persona has to match who you are in real life. That’s how you build trust and endear yourself to your audience.

Event organizers, podcast hosts, and planners aren’t just glancing at your pitch or application to decide whether to book you. They’re looking at everything about you — where else you’re showing up online and in person, and what you’re passionate about. 

So, be that thought leader in your space. Find ways to serve your people by creating content, attending events, and starting important conversations. Do it all authentically and consistently. Then, watch those booking requests pour in.

Bring it all together - LIVE at our workshop

If you want to be successful on the stage AND off - you’ve got to make sure speaking is working for your business. If you haven’t already saved your seat for our upcoming workshop, click here! We’re going to map out YOUR 6-month Speak to Scale Plan so that you know exactly what you need to be working on to scale your business from the stage. 

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